The Ark Early Care & Education Center 203-757-9917
The Ark Child Development Center 203-591-8591
Child Care
You Can Trust
Services & Rates
Give your child the best start to their early education. At The Ark, we provide a safe, happy, and nurturing environment so every child can learn, grow, and have fun. Our child care programs are affordable and personalized to meet the unique needs of your child.
Since 1999, we have served as a premier day care center in the Greater Waterbury area. The Ark Early Care & Education Center is located on 222 West Main St, and The Ark Child Development Center is located on 2030 East Main St, both in Waterbury, CT.
The Ark Early Care & Education Center
The Ark Child Development Center

Nutritious Meals & Snacks

Second Step Social-Emotional
Curriculum (SEL)

Music &


Daily Activities,
Crafts, Yoga & More!
Child Care Services
Our compassionate team is here to guide your child through their early education. We work with children between the ages of 2 years 9 months and 5 years. Both of our facilities are secure with room cameras and grounds monitoring surveillance. We adhere to the Second Step Social-Emotional Curriculum (SEL) with an emphasis on cognitive development.
School Readiness & Care4Kids
We accept families under the Care4Kids program.
We also adhere to the Waterbury School Readiness program. This program provides sliding scale fees for families with children aged 3 and 4 years. Fees are based on parents’ income; that way, all families can afford to prepare their children for kindergarten.
To discuss financing options for your family, get in touch with us today. We’re happy to assist you.

The Ark Early Care & Education Center
222 W Main St
Waterbury, CT 06702
The Ark Child
Development Center
2030 East Main St
Waterbury, CT 06705